If you don't find your answer, don't panic. Contact us, and we will provide you with a personalized answer.
Why buying My Better Period cup and applicator?
☀️ The cup is inserted like a tampon using the applicator. It allows you to position it correctly to avoid leaks and discomfort.
🌎️ The set is reusable for 5 years and more environmentally friendly (replaces approximately 528 tampons per person/year)
💧️ The cup can hold between 2 and 5 tampons
💰️ The set allows you to spend less than £0,83/menstrual cycle (yes, cents), compared to £8 to £0 for tampons or disposable towels
What size should I take?
Size S:
For light to medium flow who have never given birth vaginally
Size L:
For light to medium flows who have already given birth vaginally or for heavy to hemorrhagic flows. It does not matter whether you have given birth vaginally or not.
Is the cup compatible with the IUD?
There are no contraindications to wearing a cup with an IUD.
IUDs are contraceptive methods that are placed in the uterus, while the cup must be placed in the vagina.
There are, however, some precautions to take:
- Ask your gynecologist or midwife for advice and do a little follow-up during the first few months to check that the IUD has not moved.
- When inserting the IUD, ask your gynecologist or midwife to cut the strings of the IUD short. This will prevent you from pulling on them when you remove your cup.
- Avoid pulling hard on the cup when removing it.
Does the applicator work with all cups?
We have chosen to make an applicator that works with almost all menstrual cups, which are very flexible (shore/hardness 30).
Why this choice? We could have done like most brands and told you that it only works with ours, to increase our sales.
But this is totally against our values! A menstrual cup that can be used for 5 years, having to change it before would be pointless and would create waste for nothing.
Puis-je ravoir des rapports intimes avec My Better Cup ?
Vous pouvez tout à fait avoir des rapports intimes avec la Cup MY BETTER PERIOD.
Nous avons fait le choix d'une matière extrêmement souple et fine avec que vous partenaire ne soit pas gêné par sa présence.
Toutefois, veillez à la retirer après vos moments intimes, et bien la nettoyer avec de l'insérer de nouveau.
Il est également important de rappeler que la Cup MY BETTER PERIOD n'est pas un moyen de contraception et n'empêche aucune MST, IST ou grossesse potentielle.
How long can I wear the menstrual cup before emptying it?
It is recommended to change it every 8 hours.
What materials are My Better Cup and the applicator made of?
The menstrual cup is made of 100% medical grade silicone: no plastic, no chemicals, and no latex.
The applicator tube is also made of 100% medical grade silicone, and the plunger of medical plastic.
The menstrual cup and applicator are 100% made in France.
Can I use the cup and applicator if I have never had sexual intercourse?
There is no official age requirement, but the most important thing is to feel comfortable with our sanitary protection.
I advise you to take size S first to try.
It's also worth noting that the applicator is a bit larger than a tampon, so it depends on your personal preference and comfort level.
Remember to use this product under your own or your parent's discretion and remember to read all instructions.
How do I insert My Better Cup?
To insert your cup, first wash your hands with warm water and soap.
If you are between cycles, boil your cup for 5 to 10 minutes to sterilize it.
Then do the fold below, insert your folded cup into the applicator, insert the tip of the applicator into your vaginal canal and push the cup in the same way you would a tampon.
If you have difficulty inserting the cup into the applicator body, we recommend using a little water or lubricant inside the applicator tube to help the cup slide in. You can also use water or a water-based lubricant on the tip of the applicator tube to help it slide into your body.
We recommend watching this explanatory video for more clarity.
How do I make sure the cup is inserted correctly?
When positioned correctly, you should not feel any pain or discomfort.
If you experience any pain or discomfort after insertion, remove your cup and reinsert it according to the instructions.
It may take some getting used to (like a tampon).
The stem can be completely inside your vaginal canal or sticking out a little, and that's okay, but the rest of your cup should be inside your vaginal canal. You can always cut your stem to fit your body shape (when you're not wearing it of course, and be careful not to cut the base of the cup).
To make sure your cup is fully open, you can pinch and/or twist the base. You can also run your finger along the base or very gently grasp the stem.
How to remove the cup?
Before removing your cup, wash your hands with soap and water.
Now, relax your muscles and locate the tip of the cup. If you can't reach it, gently push as if you were going into labor and use the stem as a guide until you can reach the tip of your cup.
Pinch the base of your cup to avoid suction. With the base pinched, gently pull down to remove your cup. Do not pull hard on the stem to remove it.
Empty your cup into the toilet, shower or sink.
Finally, wash your cup and applicator as directed, then reinsert or wash and air dry before placing in your carrying pouch.
We recommend watching this explanatory video for more clarity.
How do I clean the cup and applicator during my cycle?
Between uses (every 8 hours or less), wash your cup and applicator with warm water and mild soap.
Make sure the air holes in your cup are cleaned and cleared before and after each use.
How to clean the cup and applicator between cycles?
When you receive your batch, for the first time and between each cycle, you must boil your cup using our sterilizer for 3 minutes or in water for 5 to 10 minutes in order to sterilize it.
Make sure to let it cool before touching it.
Your applicator should be washed with warm water and mild, fragrance-free soap.
You should wash and air dry your cup and applicator before storing them in their reusable carrying pouch.
What is the return policy?
Due to the intimate nature of our product, we can only accept returns if the shipping box is unopened or the device itself has a defect.
Please review our Terms and Conditions , Returns Policy , or contact contact@mybetterperiod.com with any questions or concerns.
Can I cancel my order/pre-order?
Please contact us at contact@mybetterperiod.com for any order issues.